Notice for Supply of Books
Expression of Interest
Applications are invited from reputed book suppliers/vendors/publishers - registered members of the Association of Indian Publishers and Book Suppliers (AIPBS) and also registered under UTN National Level Publishers Distributors and Suppliers for the supply of Text Books, Reference Books and periodicals for College library for the financial year 2023-2024 and 2024-2025. Application accompanied with a CDR of Rs 5000 (Five Thousand only) pledged in favour of Principal, Govt Degree College Beerwah should reach the office of the Principal by or before 25th April, 2023 by hand, post. Terms and Conditions can be downloaded from the official website of the college or obtained from the office of the undersigned during office hours. For further enquiries please contact on phone number 7889335010.
Eligible Participants for Empanelment
The firm which applies for empanelment should fulfil the following conditions for eligibility:
- The Firm need to submit an application accompanied with a CDR of Rs 5000 (Five Thousand only) pledged in favour of Principal, Govt Degree College Beerwah.
- The firm should have an average annual turnover of rupees five lacs during the last two consecutive years.
- The firm should possess a PAN/TAN number. (please attach self-attested documentary proof).
- The firm shall attach a proof of up to date income tax clearance certificate issued by the income tax department along with Address proof. (Please attach self-attested documentary proof).
- The firm should be registered in Good Offices Committee (GOC)/ Federation of Publishers & Book Sellers association of India (FPBAI) or any other State / National Association(s) of books suppliers. (Please attach self-attested documentary proof).
- The firm should furnish a proforma and bank details in the formats given.
Absence of the any of the above-mentioned documents will render the supplier ineligible for empanelment
General Terms and Conditions
The firm which applies for empanelment should abide by the following Terms and conditions:
- The period of empanelment will be valid for the financial year 2023-2024 and 2024-2025.
- Empanelled Firm should agree to supply all the books/references offering a flat discount rate of 20% and 30% for paperback and hardbound respectively except for Govt Publications.
- The college will provide opportunity to all the empanelled vendors to supply the books. In case any firm fails to supply the books within the stipulated time, the firm shall cease the opportunity to get another supply order. The College may empanel more than one Supplier and shall be free to purchase books through any one or more of them.
- No Supplier/ distributor/ publisher shall have the sole right to supply books/ publications. The College shall have the right to procure books directly from other suppliers/ distributors/ publishers on the terms and conditions decided by the Library Committee.
- The College Principal’s decision in all the matters of procurement of books shall be final and binding on all concerned.
- The empanelment will be terminated/dropped/black-listed of registered firm: -
a) If the vendor fails to deliver the 75% of the supply order (in terms of number of titles) during the year.
b) If the vendor provides any wrong or distorted information to the library.
- The suppliers must acknowledge the receipt of an order within 4 days.
- Vendors are bound to supply Indian publications within 15 days and foreign publications within 25 days from the issuance of the supply order.
- Only Goods Office Committee conversion rates should be followed for foreign books.
- Only the latest editions of the books should be supplied to the college, unless ordered otherwise.
- That wherever available, paperback books shall be provided instead of hardbound.
- All orders shall be FOR Beerwah.
- The costs of packing/ flight charges/ loading/ unloading etc. at the ends are inclusive and shall be borne by the supplier.
- The prices should be correctly charged in accordance with publishers imprinted/ distributor’s catalogue. The books of which prices are defaced, erased or changed with posting of printed labels will not be entertained.
- That the bills in triplicate should be raised in the name of Principal Government Degree College Beerwah, J&K, mentioning the order number and date, giving, author, title, edition, name of publishers, year of publication and price.
- Banker of the college is “Jammu and Kashmir Bank, Beerwah, 193411”
- All the payments will be made in Indian Rupees and the payment will be released on successful delivery and receipt of books in acceptable conditions at the college library.
- If a book supplied is a defective one or not as per order, it will be returned at supplier’s cost.
- No interest would be payable on amount paid by the subscription agent to the publisher on account of delay in payment by the institute.
- The price proof for all the books, except for the books with printed price, must be enclosed along with the bill in support of prices charged. Book suppliers have to attach documentary evidence i.e. a copy of original publisher's invoice duly signed by them for the price(s) proof in case of foreign/Indian publications where price of the book(s) not printed.
- Price Fall Clause: The offer of the rates by the publishers/suppliers will be subject to the price fall clause i.e. if any item is offered by the supplier on lower rates to some other organization, he shall forthwith notify such reduction or sale immediately to the Principal, GDC Beerwah and such reduction will automatically applicable to the college.
- Force majeure: Any failure of omission or commission to carry out the provisions of the contract by the supplier shall not give rise to any claim by either of the party to contract, if such failure of omission or commission arises from an act of God, which shall include all acts of natural calamities such as fire, flood, earthquake, , hurricane or any pestilence or from civil strikes, compliance with any stature and /or regulation of the government, lockouts and strikes, riots, embargo or from any political or other reasons beyond the supplier’s own control including war (whether declared or not ) civil war or state or insurrection, provided that notice or the occurrence of any event by either party to the other shall be given within two weeks from the date of occurrence of such an event which could be attributed to Force majeure conditions.
- The college reserves the right to select or reject any book without assigning any reason and the costly and very expensive titles shall invariably be obtained on competitive rates
- The college reserves the right to cancel an order at any time without assigning any reasons. The suppliers shall not be entitled to claim any compensation against any such termination.
- The College reserves the right to change or modify or amend or substitute any clause(s) in the "Terms and Conditions", if required, at any time.
- In case of any dispute, the same shall be resolved initially by the mutual parties within a period of two months. In case of failure to resolve a dispute mutually, it will be subject to jurisdiction of Budgam court only.
- Name (Block Letters):
- Name of the Firm:
- PAN Number (Attach a copy):
- TAN Number (Attach a copy):
- Address:
- Phone Number:
- Alternate Phone Number:
- Residence Phone Number:
- Email:
- Current membership No.(DSBPA/FIPBA/National/ State level Associations) (mention membership numbers with documentary proof):
- Important Subject areas:
- Languages you are dealing with
- I/We-------------------------------------- (names of partners/proprietors or share-holders) do hereby declare that the entries made in this application form are true to the best of our knowledge.
- That I/we, am/are not blacklisted by any Institution/Organization throughout India and abroad
- Any change in the above information shall be intimated immediately.
- I/We have carefully read the terms and conditions for registration and supply of books to the College and agree to supply books on the term and conditions prescribed by the College.
Dated: Authorised Signatory with Stamp of the Firm
- Name of the Account Holder:
- Complete Address with Pin Code:
- Telephone Number (with STD Code):
- Mobile Number:
- Email:
- Bank Name:
- Bank Branch Name:
- Bank Branch Address:
- Bank Branch IFSC Code:
- Complete Account Number
Download Complete Notice from link below: