Guidelines for submission of BCA Project Work

Guidelines for Submission of BCA Project


  1. Use A4-size white executive bond paper, ensuring smudge-free copies.
  2. Page specifications: Left margin - 3.0 cm, Right margin - 2.0 cm, Top margin - 2.54 cm, Bottom margin - 2.54 cm. Number all pages at the bottom center.
  3. Normal Body Text: Font Size 12, Times New Roman, Double Spacing, Justified, with 6-point spacing above and below paragraphs.
  4. Paragraph Headings: Font Size 14, Times New Roman, Underlined, Left Aligned, with 12-point spacing above and below.
  5. Chapter Headings: Font Size 20, Times New Roman, Center Aligned, with 30-point spacing above and below. Coding Font size: 10, Courier New, Normal.


Submit your project report as follows:

  1. Email a copy of the Summary/Abstract to well in advance.
  2. 2.       Provide two hardbound copies (approximately 80 to 100 pages) in person to the department.
  3. 3.       Include a soft copy of the project on a pen drive.

Note to Students:

Before proceeding with your project documentation, please carefully review the specific guidelines for your project type - either Machine Learning/AI based Projects or Web/App-based Projects - as outlined below.


 Guidelines for Machine Learning Projects:


All students must include a summary/abstract with their project report, limited to 3-4 pages. This summary should provide a concise explanation of your project's objectives and implementation. Ensure it adheres to the following:

  1. Title of the Project and Problem Statement
  2. Rationale for Choosing the Topic
  3. Project Objectives and Scope
  4. Methodology (including a project summary)
  5. Data Collection (Methodology)
  6. Hardware & Software Utilized
  7. Testing Technologies Employed
  8. Expected Project Contribution


Explicitly state the project topic at the beginning of your report, emphasizing its significance in the context of machine learning.


Clearly define the project's objectives and scope, highlighting how it benefits end-users within the context of machine learning.


Briefly outline the proposed software system's workflow, with the possibility of using DFDs or flowcharts to elucidate data flow, especially important in machine learning projects.


Specify the resources required for designing and developing the system, whether hardware, software, or industry data. Discuss the limitations of your system, especially concerning its applicability in a larger context.


Conclude your write-up by briefly describing innovative approaches, key achievements, and unique features that distinguish your project in the field of machine learning.

Guidelines for Web/App-based Projects:

 **Note:** Ensure that your project documentation aligns with the appropriate guidelines based on your project type. Additionally, refer to the general guidelines provided below for both project types.


Include these sections in your Main Report:

  1. Objective & Scope of the Project
  2. Theoretical Background
  3. Problem Definition
  4. System Analysis & Design with User Requirements
  5. System Planning (PERT Chart)
  6. Process Logic of each Module
  7. Methodology, System Implementation & Hardware/Software Details
  8. System Maintenance & Evaluation
  9. Cost and Benefit Analysis
  10. Detailed Project Life Cycle, including ERD and DFD diagrams, Input and Output Screen Designs, Process Flow, and Testing Methodology
  11. User/Operational Manual, including security aspects, access rights, backups, controls, etc.
  12. Include a soft copy of the project on a pen drive along with the hardbound report.


Annexure to the Project Report:

  1. Brief organizational background (if applicable).
  2. Data Dictionary cataloging data elements used in the system/subsystem.
  3. List of abbreviations, figures, tables.
  4. References, bibliography, website sources.
  5. Include a soft copy of the project on a pen drive.
  6. Guide Details: Guide's name, full address, qualifications, mobile number, and email.
  7. Certificate from the guide.


In the "Acknowledgment" page, acknowledge the guidance and assistance provided by your thesis advisor, guide, and faculty members. Express gratitude to any company or organization that supported your project work.



Follow a standard citation format for references.

Binding & Color Code for the Report/Thesis:

For BCA – VI Semester (Project Work), use hardbound reports with a black background cover page and black lettering.


 Download from link below


